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Sunday, September 30, 2012

New Victim of Sexual Abuse Committed under Presidential Protection « Kawther Salam

New Victim of Sexual Abuse Committed under Presidential Protection « Kawther Salam

New Victim of Sexual Abuse Committed under Presidential Protection

Mr. Hussein Al-Sheikh is the so-called “Minister of Civil Affairs” of the Palestinian Authority, a senior Fatah member and the man charged with keeping the coordination between the colonial israeli military administration in Beit Il and the PA. Using his lucky position, Mr. Al-Sheikh commits crimes of sexual molestation and abuse against women, often employees of the PNA.
Mr. Al-Sheikh could until now count on complete impunity for his crimes against women, as he perpetrates them with knowledge of “President” Mahmoud Abbas, who in turn is fully supported and financed by the USA, the EU and other western countries.
As has already happened in the past, it became known that Mr. Al-Sheikh again used the prerogatives of his position to sexually harass a woman. It is not the first time that such a thing happens, and it is not the first time that the PA keeps silence over criminal complaints lodged against him.
Mr. Al-Sheikh is considered by president Abbas as the most important minister due to his work with Israel, which involves issuing VIP Cards and travel permits of Abbas, PA elements, students, workers, sick people, marrying couples, burial permissions etc, so a few rapes here and a few abuses against women there are of no consequence.
  • The first time that his pastime became known to a wider audience was when minister Al-Sheikh molested the wife of a political prisoner who continues behind bars Israeli jails.
  • The second time around, he raped a girl in Tel Aviv. This victim was a friend of his daughter and the good minister convinced her family to join him in a picnic in Tal Aviv, a trip which lecherous Al-Sheikh then used to rape the girl.
  • The third time his lewd pastime became known, some weeks ago in September 2012, “Minister” Al-Sheikh tried to molest one of his female employees at the ministry. The woman is married to Ahmad Abu Al-Am, a former leader of the Al-Aqsa Brigades and a former Israeli political prisoner and a friend of Al-Sheikh.
The woman told her husband about all what happened at the office of minister Al-Sheikh. He filed a complaint to President Mahoud Abbas demanding that the Palestinian Authority open an investigation against the minister. President Abbas kept silence as usual, and instead of investigating the crime he sent his intelligence thugs to arrest the husband of the victim Mr. Abu Al-Am. Yet the arrest failed because Mr. Abu Am and his wife were expecting such a reaction from the corrupt Abbas and fled to Jordan, from where they insist that Abbas investigate the crime and give them protecting from the very likely revenge of Mr. Al-Sheikh and the thugs working for the PA.
According to my knowledge Israel nominates the Palestinian Ministers who deal with their military officers, and not the Palestinian Authority. The PNA only offers up a list of names, from which their “security” system, Mossad, Shabak, military intelligence, choose the persons who they want. Al-Sheikh, the current Palestinian Minister of “Civil Affairs”, does not “deal” with an Israeli minister but sits in Beit-Il in the office of some IDF officer (or even a simple soldier) whenever he needs an ID or a travel permit for any Palestinian, and receives (or not) what he comes to ask for, plus orders.
Minister Al-Sheikh has built good relationship with the  Israelis since before being a minister because he is a native speaker of Hebrew. Another important factor why Minister al-Sheikh is in his position, is because the israelis, who know of his criminal inclinations, want him there exactly because of that – and this is a recurring theme which can be observed everywhere: the israelis only allow criminals and corrupt people anywhere near them – obviously a deep understanding among kindred spirits.
In all the horror of this story, I am pleased to see that a husband supports his wife without reserve, what is sadly not a common sight in Palestine.

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